Data Logger and Telemetry System for Model Airplane – 3, let’s beggin!
Gyroscopes function differently depends on their type. Traditional spinning gyroscopes work on the basis that a spinning object that is tilted perpendicularly to the direction of the spin will have a precession. The precession keeps the device oriented in a vertical direction so the angle relative to the reference surface can be measured. Optical gyroscopes are most commonly ring laser gyroscopes. These devices send two lasers around a circular path in opposite directions. If the path spins, a phase shift can be detected since the speed of light always remains constant. Usually, the rings are triangles or rectangles with mirrors at each corner. Optical gyroscopes are a great improvement to the spinning mass gyroscopes because there is no wear, greater reliability and smaller size and weight [1]. Even after the introduction of laser ring gyroscopes, a lot of properties were desired. MEMS vibrating mass gyroscopes aimed to create smaller, more sensitive devices. In this project, MEMS gyroscopes are used. MEMS gyro is shown below.